Off The Beaten Track (1960)
Produced by British Transport FIlms on behalf of the Youth Hostels Association
17 minutes - Colour (
Eastman Colour; print by Technicolor)

Director: Syd Sharples
Cameramen: Ron Bicker, Jack West, Phil Law
Editor: Gloria Sachs
Music: Elisabeth Lutyens
Commentary: Paul Le Saux
Executive Producer: Edgar Anstey
Associate Producers: John Legard, Ian Ferguson
Distributor: New Realm

Would you like to sleep in a castle, pony-trek in Wales, or relax on the beaches of Northern Ireland? Would you like to climb mountains or paddle your own canoe on Loch Lomond? By train, bus, ship, cycle, or 'shanks's pony,' the countryside is yours, and with the facilities provided by the Youth Hostels Association your holiday can be expansive rather than expensive.

16mm & 35mm

Review in Monthly Film Bulletin - July 1961 (spotted by Robin Carmody)

Though touching upon the part played by railways in catering for trippers, and allowing for some well chosen and photographed shots of beauty spots, this short is mainly concerned with the facilities provided by Youth Hostels all over the country. The subject is agreeably if unremarkably handled in all its aspects.

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