Thirty Million Letters (1963)
30 minutes - Colour
Produced in association with the General Post Office

Every Day the minds and emotions of Britain's citizens are changed by the coming and going of thirty million letters. This film shows the magic of the mail. A look at some of the familiar and unfamiliar services provided by the Post Office, how it is done, who does it and what they think about it, whether it be a postmen in the Outer Hebrides, a sorter on the postal special out of Euston or an engineer supervising the working of a new automatic letter-facing machine.

Director: James Ritchie
Photography: Ronald Craigen, Trevor Roe
Production Manager: Ruth Pratt
Unit Manager: Nick Nicholls
Production Assistants: John Burrows, Jack Morrison, George Tabor, Nazeer Siddiqui
Muisc Composer: Derek Boutgeois
Conductor: Muir Mathieson
Orchestra: The Sinfonia of London
Sound Recording: Ken Cameron, Edward Steadman
Editor & Associate Producer: John Legard
Producter: Edgar Anstey

35mm & 16mm

The BTF film crew in action.
Actual screen shots reproduced by kind permission
of the British Film Institute.

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