Journey - InterCity (1972)
10 minutes - Colour

A lively and sometimes evocative account of a mixed bag of passengers enjoying in their various ways a typical Inter-City journey.

Credits: Lionel Cole, Ted Eggs, Alan Hewison, Jack West, Muir Mathieson, John Legard
Narration: Richard Baker
In Charge of Production: Edgar Anstey

16mm & VC

Soundbytes (Real Player required):-
Introduction (236k)
The Train Journey (1.2mb)
Arrival & End (280k)

Additional Information - Steven Foxon (Screenonline): "From Birmingham to Bristol, Liverpool or Leeds
buy a ticket, take a train and travel where you please.
From Manchester or Glasgow, Canterbury or York
From here to there and back again without a moment's thought."

A cheerful and very colourful pastiche of live action with combined graphics set to the music of Muir Mathieson. This film typifies the image British Rail was keen to transmit during the early part of the 1970s. It marked the start of the age of the train, when 100mph running became standard and travelling inter-city took you from 'city to city - heart to heart'.

Actual screen shots reproduced by kind permission
of the British Film Institute.

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