A New Age For Railways (1979)
25 minutes - Colour

Produced for Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer

In a world growing ever shorter of energy, railways are well suited to satisfy the world's future transport needs. This is the story of the new railways in Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Poland and Italy.

Writer: Brian Redhead
Narration: John Stockbridge
Editor: Richard Best
Assistant: Valerie Lesser
Mime Artist: David Glass
Mime Direction: John Adams
Photography: Ronald Craigen
Music Composer & Conducter: Christopher Gunning
Producer: James Ritchie
In Charge of Production: John W. Shepherd
Japanese Scenes: Iwanami Productions Inc.

16mm & V.C

Soundbytes (Real Player required):-
Introduction (888k)
Précis (564k)
Japan (456k)
Great Britain (656k)
Poland (540k)
Germany (564k)
France (620k)
Italy (456k)
Conclusion (244k)

The mime artist used in this film, David Glass, is still going strong and has his own theatre production company - The David Glass Ensemble.

Actual screen shots reproduced by kind permission
of the British Film Institute.

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